Resulting in rapid learning, less frustration, value for money and much more enjoyment. With 20yrs teaching wind sports at the ground level I think I have honed my teach and as a result I have learned to teach the individual. Patients is the usual surprise to people but the real key is observation as well as the right info at the right time for that individual. Many either over teach or over complicate, with the wrong information for the individual at the wrong time. Confusing the learning process or worse. They don’t understand the physicality or physics of what has to happen and can’t see when the client is putting in the wrong input. I can even see if you know what you are meant to be doing but lack the ability so we need to work on ability and strengthening or if you are unclear on the input you need to be trying to achieve. I watch so many people out for hours struggling and fighting while doing 1,2 or 3 things wrong so lift from the foil is not actually possible. Luckily lift from a foil is the same principle as getting lift from your windsurfing sail so it is very familiar to me and interests me.
Book your Winging Lessons now : Whatsapp on 0872191365
Wing foiling is the closest sport so far to windsurfing and they complement each other beautifully in fact if you learn one the other will not be hard to take on
Foil boards;
- Fanatic Sky Air Premiums 6’10” 200l
- Fanatic Sky SUP ( 4in1, 6’11”, 142l )
- Naish, S25 SUP Hover Crossover ( 4in1, 7’4″120l )
- MB-Boards, Balisk, ( 4in1, 7′ , 125l )
- MB-Boards, Albatros, ( 5’10”, 118l )
- Naish, Hover S26 (5’10”, 110l)
- Fanatic Sky Wing ( 5’8″, 125l )
- MB-Boards, Albatros, ( 5’2″, 98l )
- MB-Boards, Albatros, ( 4’6″, 58l )
- Fanatic Sky Wing (5′, 75l)
- Fantic Sky Wing (4’8″, 55l)
- Ozone Wasps
- Duotone Slick 2021 model and 2023 SLS
- 2400 Aero Lift
- 2000 Aero High Aspect
- 1750 Aero High Aspect
- 1500 Aero High Aspect
- 1000 Aero Free
- 905 Areo Glide
- 725 Aero Glide
- 750 Aero Carve
Axis 2010 and 1100